
2956 Results

2956 Results

Robert Juniper
Fine Art Publishing

Robert Juniper

from $19.90

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Recommended for art lovers; showcases evolution of style.

from $19.90

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The New Joy Of Photography
Eastman Kodak Company

The New Joy Of Photography

from $5.90

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This book will help you take your photography skills to the next level. With its comprehensive guide on the tools and techniques of better photography, The New Joy Of Photography will teach you how to capture stunning and memorable images. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced photographer, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their photography skills and create captivating photographs. So grab your camera and get ready to discover the joy of capturing beautiful moments.

from $5.90

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Contemporary European Theatre Directors
Dan Rebellato, María M. Delgado

Contemporary European Theatre Directors

from $16.90

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If you're passionate about theatre, particularly the innovative forces driving European stages, this book is for you. It doesn't just profile directors; it immerses you in the evolution of contemporary European theatre. By intertwining personal insights from the directors with expert critiques, you'll feel connected to the artistic pulse of Europe, understanding the interplay between politics, culture, and the stage.

from $16.90

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Kirsty Neale


from $4.90

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Space by Kirsty Neale is a great read for anyone interested in learning about the universe. This book presents information in a clear and concise manner, with beautiful illustrations and diagrams that capture the awe-inspiring beauty of space. A great introduction for kids or adults, this book explores the planets, stars, and galaxies in a way that is both educational and captivating.

from $4.90

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Changing Stages: A View of British Theatre in the Twentieth Century
Nicholas Wright, Richard Eyre

Changing Stages: A View of British Theatre in the Twentieth Century

from $19.90

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For anyone who cherishes the rich tapestry of British theatre, "Changing Stages" is a treasure trove. Imagine sitting down for a cozy, insightful chat with Sir Richard Eyre, as he takes you on a tour through the evolving landscape of British plays, personalities, and performances of the last century. It's storytelling that not only educates but also captivates through a passionate lens that only insiders like Eyre and Wright could provide.

from $19.90

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20th Century Media, 1960s - The Satellite Age
Steve Parker

20th Century Media, 1960s - The Satellite Age

from $5.90

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This book could be a good read for those who are interested in the evolution of media and want to explore the turning points in history of entertainment. The author charts out the development of communication media from print to electronic age, which could provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of communications and how it has changed over time.

from $5.90

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Ready, Steady, Go!: Swinging London and the Invention of Cool
Shawn Levy

Ready, Steady, Go!: Swinging London and the Invention of Cool

from $18.90

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Imagine stepping into a time machine that whisks you right into the heart of 1960s London. 'Ready, Steady, Go!' isn't just a history lesson; it's a vibrant, kinetic experience. Levy entwines celebrities, fashion icons, and the very essence of cool into a narrative that makes you feel like part of the in-crowd. It's perfect for anyone intrigued by cultural revolutions and the seismic shifts of the Swinging Sixties.

from $18.90

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Sonata in C Minor Op.13 "Pathetique"
Maurice Hinson, Ludwig van Beethoven

Sonata in C Minor Op.13 "Pathetique"

from $8.90

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If you're a lover of classical music or an aspiring pianist seeking to enrich your repertoire, this edition of Beethoven's "Pathetique" is a precious addition. Its raw emotion and complex beauty are captured in the careful annotations of this Alfred Masterwork Edition, perfect for both appreciation and study. Embrace the challenge and the reward of mastering a piece that has moved audiences for centuries.

from $8.90

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Barcelona - StyleCity
Lucas Dietrich

Barcelona - StyleCity

from $11.90

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If you have an eye for design and culture, "Barcelona - StyleCity" could be the perfect travel companion for you. Phyllis Richardson guides you through the city's heart, not just as a tourist but as someone seeking an authentic, design-rich urban experience. Exploring this book is like walking through Barcelona's streets, feeling the creative pulse of its bars, shops, and neighborhoods.

from $11.90

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Illusive - Contemporary Illustration
Robert Klanten, Hendrik Hellige

Illusive - Contemporary Illustration

from $20.90

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If images speak to you more than words, you'll find "Illusive" to be an endless source of inspiration. Revel in a curated selection of modern illustrations that showcases diverse styles and innovative techniques, each capturing a unique story. It's more than just a book; it's a visual journey designed to stir the creative spirit in you.

from $20.90

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Nina Campbell's Decorating Secrets: Easy Ways to Achieve the Professional Look
Nina Campbell

Nina Campbell's Decorating Secrets: Easy Ways to Achieve the Professional Look

from $10.90

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Think of Nina Campbell's book as your personal mentor in interior design, guiding you through a sophisticated yet absolutely feasible approach to transforming spaces. Whether you're looking to capture a mood or create harmony amongst your well-loved possessions, her "layering" method is a trove of professional finesse waiting to be applied to your own home—with a touch of British charm that breathes life into every page.

from $10.90

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Dreams & Reality: Muse d'Orsay Paris: Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing & Photography
Caroline; Davis Mathieu

Dreams & Reality: Muse d'Orsay Paris: Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing & Photography

from $7.90

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If you’re someone who appreciates the arts, particularly the transformative period where painting, drawing, and photography intersected in exciting ways, this catalogue is like a personal tour through the Muse d'Orsay's revered collection. It’s held in the same esteem as physically walking through the National Museum of Singapore exhibition, letting you experience the essence of the art without the need for a passport.

from $7.90

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Sharon Stasney


from $6.90

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Thousands of years old—and today’s hottest interior design trend. “Gives suggestions for balance and harmony.”— Publisher’s Weekly. “Learn how to use color, texture and shape to boost your energy, calm your spirit and simply create a stunning home that will feel as good as it looks.” — Timber Homes Illustrated.

from $6.90

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Beading Inspiration
Bead & Button Magazine

Beading Inspiration

from $6.90

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This book is a must-read for anyone looking to take their beading skills to the next level. With step-by-step guidance and inspiration from nature, fabric, decorative arts, and the color wheel, you'll learn how to create stunning jewelry pieces that feature vibrant and unexpected color. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced beader, "Beading Inspiration" will help you master the art of creating beautiful jewelry with the perfect color combinations. Get ready to dazzle with your unique creations!

from $6.90

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Romania. People, places and stories (format mic) - Florin Andreescu
Mariana Pascaru, Florin Andreescu

Romania. People, places and stories (format mic) - Florin Andreescu

from $5.90

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"Romania. People, places and stories" is a perfect read if you want to take a journey through the country's varied landscape and learn about its people, culture, and history. The book is filled with stunning illustrations by Florin Andreescu, accompanied by Mariana Pascaru's vivid descriptions. Alistair Ian Blyth has beautifully translated the original text in English. If you enjoy reading travelogues and learning about new cultures, this book is the best pick for you.

from $5.90

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Miller's Collectables Price Guide 1997-98
Judith H. Miller, Madeleine Marsh

Miller's Collectables Price Guide 1997-98

from $8.90

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If you’re a collector, you'll find this guide invaluable. Whether you’re into traditional collectibles or the quirkier side of collecting, like milk bottles or desirable denim, this edition of Miller's Collectables Price Guide has you covered. It’s a treasure trove of prices and practical tips that could make all the difference in your next auction or garage sale find.

from $8.90

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Plays 1: The Father / Miss Julie / The Ghost Sonata
August Strindberg, Michael Meyer

Plays 1: The Father / Miss Julie / The Ghost Sonata

from $6.90

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Strindberg's collection is a masterclass in theatrical intensity, unveiling deep societal and personal conflicts with raw emotion. 'Plays 1' will transport you into worlds where gender dynamics, class struggles, and the borders of sanity blur, offering a potent taste of proto-absurdist drama that continues to resonate profoundly today. If you have an appetite for the classic roots of modern theatre that challenge conventions, this collection is an unmissable journey.

from $6.90

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Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces - And 50 Other Ridiculous Typography Rules

Never Use More Than Two Different Typefaces - And 50 Other Ridiculous Typography Rules

from $8.90

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If the intricacies of type fascinate you, this book is a playful jaunt through the do's and don'ts of typography. It strikes a chord with anyone who appreciates the wit and irony in design rules. A lighthearted read that delivers typography wisdom with a wink.

from $8.90

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Complete Crafts

Complete Crafts

from $9.90

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If you love working with your hands and exploring different materials, "Complete Crafts" could be a treasure trove for you. It's a gateway to crafting with everything from clay to leather, promising a broad spectrum of projects. The book's vintage perspective on materials might provide a refreshing break from modern digital distractions, offering tactile satisfaction and perhaps a touch of nostalgia.

from $9.90

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Brochure Design Forum: A Sourcebook Of International Corporate Graphic Design. 2 (1993)

from $13.90

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Experimental Formats & Packaging
Roger Fawcett-Tang, Daniel Mason

Experimental Formats & Packaging

from $8.90

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This book is a great choice for designers looking to create unique, out-of-the-box packaging and book formats. With over 100 case studies, it provides inspiration and practical knowledge to help push boundaries and experiment with different materials and techniques. The extensive directory of materials and basic box templates is also a useful resource for designers looking to expand their skills and knowledge in this area.

from $8.90

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Teaching Visual Culture : Curriculum, Aesthetics and the Social Life of Art
Kerry Freedman

Teaching Visual Culture : Curriculum, Aesthetics and the Social Life of Art

from $7.90

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This book would be a good read for art educators, students, and anyone interested in visual culture and education. Kerry Freedman's extensive research and insights provide a theoretical basis for developing a curriculum that emphasizes visual arts as an essential component of contemporary education. The chapter on the role of technology and teaching is particularly relevant in today's digital age. The book offers a comprehensive understanding of the social life of art and how it can be incorporated in curriculum design and implementation.

from $7.90

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Kama Sutra					Including the Seven Spiritual Laws of Love

Kama Sutra Including the Seven Spiritual Laws of Love

from $8.90

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Imagine a book that redefines pleasure beyond the physical, by intertwining the sacred with the sensual. Deepak Chopra's rendition of the 'Kama Sutra' turns a classic manual of intimacy into a profound journey of spiritual and erotic discovery. It's a compelling read for those seeking to deepen their understanding of love and desire within a spiritual context. If your curiosity lies at the crossroads of passion and transcendence, this book could illuminate your path.

from $8.90

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The New Manual of Photography
John Hedgecoe

The New Manual of Photography

from $6.90

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The New Manual of Photography is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their photography skills. With expert tips on equipment, technique, and creative ideas, this comprehensive guide is accessible to both beginners and seasoned photographers. The lavishly illustrated examples throughout the book make it easy to understand and put into practice. Users have praised the book for its clear explanations and practical advice, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their photography to the next level.

from $6.90

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Acupuncture For Management - New Perspectives On Strategy And Leadership
Antonella Mei-pochtler

Acupuncture For Management - New Perspectives On Strategy And Leadership

from $5.90

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Acupuncture For Management offers a unique perspective on management with a focus on strategy and leadership. Dr. Antonella Mei-Pochtler distills essential and timeless management principles from contemporary events and personal experience. This book is recommended for those who are seeking innovative ways to approach management and leadership in modern business environments. The blend of words and images provides a thought-provoking read that stimulates both rationality and emotions.

from $5.90

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101 Finishing Touches: Stylish Home Ideas
Julie Savill

101 Finishing Touches: Stylish Home Ideas

from $5.90

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"101 Finishing Touches" is a great read for those looking to brighten up their living space without breaking the bank. This book presents expert knowledge from stylists, making it easy to follow along and execute the decorating ideas presented. The book contains a directory of useful suppliers, with web addresses, making it easy to source any materials needed for the project. Readers will appreciate the beautiful color photographs and easy-to-follow instructions for each of the 101 projects presented in the book.

from $5.90

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Slightly Out of Focus : The Legendary Photojournalist's Illustrated Memoir of World War II
Cornell Capa, Richard Whelan, Robert Capa

Slightly Out of Focus : The Legendary Photojournalist's Illustrated Memoir of World War II

from $6.90

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This book is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the history and human stories of World War II. Through the lens of Robert Capa, the legendary photojournalist, you'll be transported to the front lines of the war, experiencing the terror, camaraderie, and resilience of the soldiers firsthand. With powerful photographs and captivating storytelling, Slightly Out of Focus brings history to life, giving us a deeper understanding of the bravery and sacrifices of those who fought in the war. Prepare to be moved by Capa's compassion, wit, and extraordinary ability to capture the essence of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

from $6.90

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The Layout Look Book
Max Weber

The Layout Look Book

from $12.90

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If you find yourself hitting a creative wall with your design projects, "The Layout Look Book" might just be your breakthrough resource. Max Weber's compilation of diverse layout techniques isn't just instructive; it's a visual brainstorm partner that invites both serendipity and strategic thinking. With this book by your side, any layout you touch could transform into a visually compelling masterpiece that speaks volumes of your refined design sensibility.

from $12.90

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Kyoto Encounters
Stephen Addiss, J. Thomas Rimer

Kyoto Encounters

from $9.90

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If you've ever felt the pull of wanderlust, 'Kyoto Encounters' could be your next companion. The book dives into the heart of Kyoto, offering a mosaic of experiences that could quench your thirst for cultural exploration from the comfort of your home. Its personal narratives act as a bridge, bringing Kyoto's history and modern allure to life in a way that's both intimate and enlightening.

from $9.90

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The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes
Joe McNally

The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes

from $8.90

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If photography's your passion and you're always striving to improve, "The Hot Shoe Diaries" is a must-read. Joe McNally expertly demystifies the use of small, off-camera flashes to achieve the kind of dynamic lighting that can transform your photography from good to great. Dive in for practical, real-world advice with a creative twist.

from $8.90

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CliffsNotes On Dickens' Great Expectations
Charles Dickens, CliffsNotes, Debra Bailey

CliffsNotes On Dickens' Great Expectations

from $5.90

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This book is a great read for those who want to understand the complexities of Charles Dickens' Great Expectations. The guide offers chapter by chapter summaries, critical commentaries, and in-depth character analyses to help readers navigate the twists and turns of the novel's plot and themes. The resource center at the end of the guide is also a helpful tool for expanding one's understanding of Victorian England. Anyone looking for insightful guidance in deciphering classic literature would find this book particularly helpful.

from $5.90

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Eat. Shop La
Kaie Wellman

Eat. Shop La

from $5.90

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This book would be a good read for someone who loves exploring unique and trendy dining spots and fashion boutiques. It takes you on a journey through the fascinating world of Korean cuisine and showcases the diverse culture of local designers. From mouthwatering food recommendations to insider tips on where to find the most stylish clothes, this book is a go-to guide for the hipster crowd seeking a blend of delicious eats and fashionable finds. So grab a skateboard and get ready to indulge in the ultimate hipster adventure.

from $5.90

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Alice in Wonderland: A Visual Companion
Tim Burton, Mark Salisbury

Alice in Wonderland: A Visual Companion

from $8.90

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If you're a fan of Tim Burton's gothic whimsy and curious about the magic behind movie-making, this book will captivate you. It offers a rare backstage pass into his creative process, blending live-action with CGI to reinvent a timeless tale. Perfect for admirers of Burton's work or anyone intrigued by the art of film adaptation.

from $8.90

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Get Real
Morten Søndergaard

Get Real

from $5.90

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Get Real could be a good read for art enthusiasts, media art practitioners, or anyone interested in exploring the possibilities offered by incorporating technology into art. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the influence and significance of real-time media in the art industry and offers different perspectives from influential artists, critics, historians, and curators within the media art field. The anthology is unique in its approach as it provides a diverse view on the relations between real-time and art from different angles/subsections, including theoretical, practical, and historical perspectives. Furthermore, the DVD that accompanies the book offers a large selection of examples of real-time artworks that range from documentations to actual, functioning artworks. Overall, Get Real offers a unique insight into the world of media art and its evolution over time.

from $5.90

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The Best of Alex 2007
Charles Peattie, Russell Taylor

The Best of Alex 2007

from $8.90

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If you enjoy a good laugh at the quirks and absurdities of corporate culture, "The Best Of Alex 2007" could be a delightful read for you. It's a satirical take on the office life that doesn't just mock but also subtly critiques the times. With engaging storylines like white-collar boxing and a buyout of Santa's business, it's sure to offer comic relief with a twist of clever commentary.

from $8.90

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Dear Dad: Father, Friend and Hero
Greive Trevor Bradley

Dear Dad: Father, Friend and Hero

from $8.90

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If you've ever struggled to articulate the value your dad brings to your life, "Dear Dad" is a heartwarmer that does just that with a blend of humour and sincerity. The simple yet profound words paired with adorable animal images capture the multifaceted nature of fatherhood. It's the perfect light read or gift to express gratitude and love towards your father, without needing a special occasion.

from $8.90

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Inside Barcelona - Discovering The Classic Interiors Of Barcelona
Josep M. Botey, Peter Aprahamian

Inside Barcelona - Discovering The Classic Interiors Of Barcelona

from $5.90

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This book is perfect for design enthusiasts and travelers who want to discover the architectural gems of Barcelona's hidden interiors. With stunning photography and insightful commentary, this book unlocks the secrets of some of the city's most intriguing spaces and offers inspiration for anyone looking to create their own unique space.

from $5.90

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Lingua Comica Reloaded
Nele Brönner, Pier Gajewski, Faezal Muniran

Lingua Comica Reloaded

from $4.90

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Lingua Comica Reloaded could be a good read for anyone seeking a creative and interactive way to delve into different cultures. With its collection of comic art from various Asian and European artists, this book provides a visually captivating experience that showcases the power of storytelling and artistic expression. From thought-provoking narratives to stunning illustrations, this collection is sure to broaden your horizons and ignite your imagination. Prepare to be transported to a world where culture meets creativity.

from $4.90

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China's First Emperor and His Terra-Cotta Army
Zhang Tao

China's First Emperor and His Terra-Cotta Army

from $5.90

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This book offers a unique insight into China's imperial history, chronicling the life of China's first emperor and the creation of his terra-cotta army. It is a great read for history buffs and those interested in ancient cultures. Zang Yun's detailed research and writing style make it a captivating read, shedding light on one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in modern history.

from $5.90

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How to Take Great Photographs: A Practical Photography Course
John Freeman

How to Take Great Photographs: A Practical Photography Course

from $8.90

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Whether you're a beginner aiming to understand the basics of photography or an experienced photographer looking to refine your craft, "How to Take Great Photographs" by John Freeman is like having a personal mentor in book form. With over 400 full-color examples and practical advice spanning various photographic styles and equipment, this book could be your guide to elevating your photography game. Plus, imagine the professional secrets that Freeman shares—it's like unlocking a treasure chest of photographic wisdom.

from $8.90

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Modern Primitives
Andrea Juno, V. Vale

Modern Primitives

from $8.90

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"Modern Primitives" delves into the personal and cultural significance of body modification through a blend of introspection and anthropology. If you find the intersection of art, identity, and tradition fascinating, this book could offer you profound insights into why individuals gravitate towards these ancient practices in our contemporary world. It’s an unflinching exploration of a subculture that defies mainstream aesthetics and norms, which might just shift your perception of beauty and self-expression.

from $8.90

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Master Shots Vol 3: The Director's Vision: 100 Setups, Scenes and Moves for Your Breakthrough Movie
Christopher Kenworthy

Master Shots Vol 3: The Director's Vision: 100 Setups, Scenes and Moves for Your Breakthrough Movie

from $8.90

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Thinking of directing a film that stands out? 'Master Shots Vol 3' equips you with a plethora of creative shot ideas and cinematic techniques that can turn a good scene into a great one. It's like having a seasoned director whispering in your ear, giving you the tools to imprint your unique vision onto the silver screen. Whether you're a burgeoning filmmaker or seasoned pro, this book will spark inspiration and challenge your storytelling abilities.

from $8.90

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Clare Nicholson


from $5.90

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Shells would be a great read for individuals who are interested in incorporating natural elements into their home decor. The book provides 20 DIY projects that use shells to create unique and eye-catching items such as bowls, jugs, and lamps. Users would appreciate the clear instructions and beautiful photography that accompanies each project. Shells would be a great addition to any crafter's library looking to add some beachy vibes to their home.

from $5.90

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New Super Mario Bros 2 Prima Official Game Guide [Paperback] prima-games

New Super Mario Bros 2 Prima Official Game Guide [Paperback] prima-games

from $5.90

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This official game guide is a must-have for any gamer who wants to fully complete and enjoy New Super Mario Bros 2. It provides step-by-step instructions and helpful tips for defeating bosses and finding hidden secrets. Users will appreciate the detailed maps of levels and the inclusion of all power-ups and items in the game.

from $5.90

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Manga Females Clip Art
Yishan Li

Manga Females Clip Art

from $8.90

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If you're looking to dive into the manga art world without the years of practice, "Manga Females Clip Art" could be a delightful starting point. The CD included has a plethora of figures and backgrounds, making it accessible for anyone to assemble professional-looking manga scenes. It's exciting to think about the myriad stories and characters you can bring to life, even as a beginner. Yishan Li's work here is not just empowering for the aspiring manga artist, but it's also a celebration of female characters in this vibrant art style.

from $8.90

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It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be : The world's best-selling book by Paul Arden
Paul Arden

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be : The world's best-selling book by Paul Arden

from $4.90

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This book is like having a personal mentor, guiding you through the path of success. With wit and wisdom, Paul Arden shares valuable insights on problem-solving, communication, and creativity. This pocket-sized handbook is packed with bite-sized spreads of quotes, facts, and pictures, making it an uplifting and humorous read. Whether you're looking to succeed in your career or personal life, this book will inspire you to unleash your potential and achieve greatness. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of the world's top advertising gurus.

from $4.90

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The Olives Dessert Table: Spectacular Restaurant Desserts You Can Make at Home
Sally Sampson, Paige Retus, Todd English

The Olives Dessert Table: Spectacular Restaurant Desserts You Can Make at Home

from $15.90

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Ever eye those impressive restaurant desserts and feel a twinge of 'I wish I could make that'? "The Olive's Dessert Table" brings those complex, mouthwatering treats into the realm of the home kitchen. Let Todd, Paige, and Sally guide you to becoming the dessert maestro among your friends and family, with recipes that are perfectly doable and spectacularly rewarding. Whether it's for a special occasion or a sweet personal challenge, this book will give you the means to dessert greatness.

from $15.90

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Film Directing : Killer Style and Cutting Edge Techniques
Renee Harmon

Film Directing : Killer Style and Cutting Edge Techniques

from $5.90

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Recommendation: This book is a must-read for aspiring directors seeking to develop their filmmaking skills. Renee Harmon's unique perspective provides practical advice on managing all aspects of the film production process. From pre-production to post-production, this book offers a comprehensive guide for both amateur and professional filmmakers looking to take their craft to the next level.

from $5.90

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Step-By-Step Dried Flowers: Over 30 Projects for Garlands, Swags, Wreaths and Festive Arrangements Using Dried or Pressed Flowers and Foliage
Pamela Westland

Step-By-Step Dried Flowers: Over 30 Projects for Garlands, Swags, Wreaths and Festive Arrangements Using Dried or Pressed Flowers and Foliage

from $8.90

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This book could be the perfect companion for those looking to keep the beauty of their garden alive inside their home all year round. If you enjoy crafting and want to learn about preserving flowers, the variety of projects in this book will help you unleash your creativity while providing the pleasure of hands-on work. Plus, the detailed instructions make it easy for beginners to follow along.

from $8.90

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Moscow: History - Architecture - Art

Moscow: History - Architecture - Art

from $48.90

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Delve into the breathtaking world of Moscow with this volume which unfolds the rich tapestry of the city's history, architecture, and art. If you're fascinated by grandiose structures, intrigued by centuries of history, and moved by diverse art forms, this book promises you a journey through the very heart of Russia's cultural heritage.

from $48.90

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