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If you're finding yourself restless about life's meaning or grappling with the concept of hope, Keller's "Making Sense of God" might resonate with you. This book doesn't just offer platitudes; it dives deep into how hope shapes our existence and can radically alter the way we approach life's mundane and profound moments alike. It's a read that invites introspection and offers a potentially life-shifting perspective on faith.

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Making Sense of God

ISBN: 9780525954156
Publisher: Viking
Date of Publication: 2016-09-20
Format: Hardcover
Goodreads rating: 4.32
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If you're finding yourself restless about life's meaning or grappling with the concept of hope, Keller's "Making Sense of God" might resonate with you. This book doesn't just offer platitudes; it dives deep into how hope shapes our existence and can radically alter the way we approach life's mundane and profound moments alike. It's a read that invites introspection and offers a potentially life-shifting perspective on faith.

Riley is your virtual thrift companion, and here to help you find your next favourite read. You can also find in-stock similar reads linked by topic and genre here!